Get your school community on the path to antifragility through our custom training.
The Antifragile Educator trains school communities how to focus on well-being while pursuing high performance.
Antifragility training helps under-resourced school communities address the challenges facing their students.
Anxiety and Depression
20% increase in cases among adolescents over the past 15 years
Unpleasant Feelings
37% have persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness
75% of the words students use to describe their feelings toward school are negative
Lack of Support and Well-being Resources
Schools often lack the resources and personnel to support their students
Lack of Well-being and Mental Skills Training
Most teaching faculty are not equipped to function as mental health counselors for their students

“Be the flame. Wish for the wind.”
—Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder
We partner with administrators, faculty, and parents who believe in the power of developing antifragile students.
Our program helps students, faculty and parents make a move from a threat mindset to a challenge mindset.
Antifragility training teaches how to use uncertainty and adversity to your advantage.
We use a Top-Down, Bottom-Up, Outside-In framework reinforced through
Community Insights
Conference Talks