Fortify Your Mind. Evolve Your Performance. Thrive Through Adversity. Be Antifragile.
Individuals who receive antifragility training show improvement in measures of resilience, well-being, and performance.
Freedom From Worry
Mental Preparation
Coping with Adversity
Life Satisfaction
Peak Performance State

The Antifragile Academy is on a mission to bridge the gap between antifragility theory and the psychology of human potential.
We exist to help you maximize potential by focusing on science-based components of well-being, antifragility, and performance.
We’ve worked with individuals across some of the most recognizable brands in the world.

“The resilient resists shocks and stays the same; the antifragile gets better.”
—Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder
Antifragile people grow from adversity. They possess mental and physical tools that help them thrive in high-pressure environments, feel better, and perform optimally.
What does it mean to be antifragile?
Learn more about antifragility through our zero-cost content.
Developed by experts. Backed by science.
Founders Dr. Adam Wright and Dr. Nick Holton created The Antifragile Academy to support high-performing athletes and their coaches in developing antifragility.
Adam Wright, M.Ed., Ph.D.
Director of Mental Performance for the Washington Nationals -
Nick Holton, MAED, Ph.D.
Well-being and performance coach for professional and collegiate athletes and Fortune 100 executives.